Customer Success Story

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"I don't think there's another tool like it, AVA is leading the industry in credit, there's no doubt."
Kerry Irven
General Manager

We recently visited in Kingston, Ontario to hear about their first hand experience using AVA Credit. For General Manager, Kerry Irven, he feels that having the customers credit information is incredibly valuable for the dealership. Kerry loves that AVA streamlines their process, gives them better qualification of their customers and allows them to speed up the booking ratios in their BDC. Keep up the great work, Carloft!

Check out the full written interview!

Q: Whats your name, position and dealership?

A: My name is Kerry, I’m the General Manager at

Q: How long have you been using AVA for?

A: We’ve been using for about two years now.

Q: What do you like most about AVA? 

A: It streamlined our process, better qualification of the traffic that’s coming into the dealership and allowed us to speed up the booking ratios in our BDC.

Q: Has AVA helped you improve your digital strategy? If so, how? 

A: AVA helped us a lot with marketing. It’s a very interactive tool, customers love to engage with it. We;ve used it in social, we’ve used it with our search strategies and have been quite successful at creating leads with those tools.

Q: Would you recommend AVA to other dealerships?

A: No! Because I don’t want anyone else to have the tool.

Q: How has AVA improved your dealership's performance?

A: Our booking ratio and our contact ratio is around 60%. Our booking ratio is about 40% of the 60% and our closing ratio is probably one of the highest with AVA. 

Q: How do we compare to other customer engagement tools you have used in the past?

A: I don’t think there’s another tool like it to be honest with you. AVA is leading the industry in credit, there’s no doubt.

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